Housers Review & BONUS

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Housers Review

174 M EUR

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We advise investing in Housers to diversify investment in other countries than usual Estonia and Latvia, even if returns will be a bit lower: Housers is a trendy platform to invest in real estate. The interface is great and you are given the possibility to invest in multiple type of real estate investment (buy-to-sell, buy-to-let, equity, development loan). The other great advantage about this platform is that you can diversify your investments across multiple countries. You can invest on real-estate in Spain, Portugal, and Italy. The downside is that investment returns rate are a bit lower than East-Europe standard. You can expect to earn 7-8% on your invested amount.

How works a Crowdlending platform

Investment details

Investment currencies EUR
Return on investment (ROI) 8%
Minimum investment € 50
Investment period 6 – 24 months
Default rate 0%
Investment fees 0%
BuyBack guarantee No
Auto-invest Yes
Secondary market Yes
Trustpilot Score (Safety) 5.5/10  

Investment types

Real-estate loans (Buy-to-sell, buy-to-let, equity, development projects)

Investment example

Investment result forecast

Below you will find the resulting forecast when investing using Housers compared to investing the same amount in the US stock market (US stock market: 6% average yearly growth in the last 30 years).

By investing €1’000 using Housers for 15 years you might end up with €3’172 (€775 more than with the stock market).

Housers bonus and cashback

You can register to Housers by clicking the button below. It will be highly appreciated. Thanks!

BONUS = 25 EUR after first investment

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