Grupeer Auto-invest setup

grupeer auto invest

Grupeer offers an auto-invest functionality, which is really easy to configure. But due to the small number of open loans I advise you not to rely only on the auto-invest functionality but also to invest manually. This will allow you to invest your money faster by deciding case by case the amount of money to invest. You will be able to configure:

  • Loan type
  • Loan country
  • Loan originator
  • Loan interest rate interval
  • Loan term interval
  • The investment amount per loan
  • The repayment type: amortized or not
  • The size of your auto-invest portfolio

With Grupeer auto-invest functionality you should also be able to configure a portfolio that should be able to generate +12-13% of return per year.

How to configure Grupeer Auto-invest

Step 1: Open the Auto-invest configuration panel


grupeer menu

  1. Click on the “Auto Invest” button in the top menu “Invest”
  2. Click on the blue border button “Create new strategy”


Step 2: Define the strategy

Since loans interest rates at Grupeer can earn usually between 12% to 15%, we will build 4 portfolios to gather these loans by priority.

  • Portfolio 1: for loans above 15%
  • Portfolio 2: for loans above 14%
  • Portfolio 3: for loans above 13%
  • Portfolio 4: for loans above 12%


Step 3: Configure portfolio general information

  1. Name: 12m-15%-50E (=LoanTerm-InterestRate-MaxInvestPerProject)
  2. Loan type: all
  3. Country: all
  4. Loan originator: all
  5. Interest rate interval: 15% – 25%
  6. Term interval: 1-12 months
  7. Strategy Auto-invest limit: 400EUR (it’s the total money that can be invested with this portfolio)
  8. Max amount per project: 50EUR (it’s the maximum money invested per project)
  9. Repayment type: all
  10. Valid till date: put a date far from now
  11. Save


Step 4: Order the portfolios by priority

auto-invest portfolios list

After creating these portfolios remember to order them by decreasing order like in the picture (15% on top, 12% at the bottom).

This will make you invest first in high return loans and if no loans are available, you will then invest in lower return rate loans.

I wish this explanation was useful for you, and enjoy investment with Grupeer.

Please read my summarized review of Grupeer to start investing with Grupeer

The Home Bankers' Club